Monday, May 5, 2014

Good Bad

Death is hideous. War is despicable. Rape is atrocious. In reality, none of these things are good. In fiction, however, their grim severity can be made into sensual intensity. We endure reality and find its pleasures wanting. We strive and suffer to little or no avail. Our news and histories must be sensationalized and embellished for us to find them interesting. Alas, it is in our fiction where we find real life's luster.

Storytelling is always from within. Fiction is the outer manifestation of our waking dreams. All is good in a good story; even the bad. What is pain and sorrow in reality can be enjoyed in fiction. Even the horrors of death, war and rape can be made into harmless fun.

I am a storyteller. I tell tales of heroes and villains. I tell stories of horror and adventure. My characters are many and interact in many ways. Many of these fictional people are slain. Some of them are raped. Ultimately, however, my heroes prevail and my villains are vanquished.

Both in life and in my stories genuine heroes are few. Villainous masterminds are more readily available. Expendable underlings are always plentiful. Useless bystanders do the nothing they do best. Everyone has their part to play, whether a person or a character.

Death, war and rape: our reality would be better without them. Suspense, excitement and sensuality: our fiction would be boring without them. As a writer and an artist, I do know what I am doing. Allow me my honest boast as I claim to do what I do well.


  1. Bad things make for the best fiction. This does not justify them. It is the villains who perpetrate atrocities, and it is for this reason they must be stopped.

    1. Exactly. Our fiction is at its best when it boldly addresses our genuine condition. Our real world is one racked with death, war and rape.
