Sunday, May 25, 2014

Gifts of Blessing

Everyone has a knack. Our talents differ and some have more than others but we are all gifted in something. If we neglect our abilities they shall diminish. If we use them, however, and refine them then our talents shall grow and prosper.

I am a storyteller and an artist. Others are singers, musicians, athletes, handymen, protectors, comforters, orators and or whatever else. We are all endowed with the ability to contribute, somehow, to the common good. Few of us truly bother to do so. Some of us who do squander our endeavors for evil. The very few who bless us all with their talents are the precious souls who keep our world turning.

Most lives are a waste of life. Everyone has their reasons but few are pure of heart. Indifference is mindless. Hatred is heartless. Compassion is thoughtful and caring thus, takes effort. Alas, it is easier to do nothing than something. It is easier to fall than to rise. It is easier to consume or destroy than to create. People become a nothing when in their apathy they drift with whim or in their malevolence they corrupt and tarnish. Either such lives are a waste of talent.

Humanity is a creature of flesh and blood but also of mind and spirit. We are beyond our animal nature when our souls have eyes to see and ears to hear. We imagine and create when we qualify what we quantify. What is a song but sound? What is literature but scribble? What is a cathedral but stone? By employing our talents we make more of things than the sum of their otherwise meaningless parts. By our endeavors and appreciation thereof we create a context of relevance. Use your talents and use them well. Sincerity strives and is never in vain.


  1. So many are content to do nothing. And then, they become depressed because they are nothing. You must sow first, in order to reap...

    1. Exactly. Accomplishment is never a matter of default.
