Monday, November 4, 2024


The supernatural is real. You can disbelieve me… but you do so in ignorance. You can argue that I cannot prove my claim… but nothing you believe was ever actually proven to you. To “trust the science” is to assume strangers with ulterior motives are trustworthy.

I am told that I cannot prove God exists… but I can. My evidence is readily available for anyone smart enough to comprehend what should be obvious.

Everything that actually exists is derivative of the quality of the quantity of one. There are no exceptions, not one. Arguing negatives, fractions and zero is confusing concepts with actuality. Reality is not an idea. If you think it is, you are not in touch with reality.

You are not sentient because of what you think. You are not a person because of what you feel. You are not the source of your own existence. Your every thought and feeling is derivative, every single one. You are not the source of you in any way. Yes, you have free will… but not because of you.

There is only ONE god and he is PERSONAL… or else we could not exist as individuals. It would be impossible. Our source must provide what became us. We are made in the image and likeness of our source.

Where did God come from? If you ask such a question, sincerely or not, it is because God is beyond your comprehension. How is that surprising? You are finite, as are your thoughts. He is infinite. He is smarter than you. How could it be otherwise? The universe itself is beyond your comprehension. This little world among countless worlds is more than you could ever know.


I am smarter than every atheist. They rationalize what suits them and fancy themselves wise for it. They confuse learning with thinking and learn sophistries. I see what I see and hear what I hear whether I like what I see and hear or not. I disbelieve anything I am taught if it contradicts what I see for myself, regardless of the supposed authority of the teacher.


  1. All true. Every number is derivative of a single point, and every number is a collection of points. It speaks heavily of a single origin.

  2. Having experienced the spiritual, the natural feels incomplete without it. What has been demonstrated is so, and you can no longer remain ignorant of the truth. When He is revealed, that is when you can actually see.

    1. Yes, the natural is incomplete without the spiritual. People who fancy themselves wise deciding to think otherwise need other people to validate them. They are insincere accordingly.
