Sunday, January 13, 2019

The Holy Spirit Lives

The Word of God became the Son of Man, Jesus. On the day of his baptism, the Holy Spirit became the spirit of a mortal man. Are the connotations lost on you?

What if the Holy Spirit came to life… as a mortal man? Would he still be the Lord of Spirits? What would his name as a man be?

The Word of God grew up in a working class family. He did manual labor. He was not a mason building palaces or temples. He was a carpenter building homes. He was not a priest or scholar. He was a layman with something to say.

The name of the Word of God as a mortal man was “Joshua” because of its meaning. The name of the Holy Spirit as a mortal man is “John” because of its meaning. Take heed of the connotations, for more is said than ever heard.

The Son of Man was named before the Lord of Spirits and in the presence of the Ancient of Days. This was before the sun and the signs were made and before the stars of the heavens were formed. In time, it was the day Jesus was baptized.

The Holy Spirit prevails. The mortal man Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit. By the blood and breath of this man, the Holy Spirit did live, in the flesh. When Jesus died, he prevailed. He conquered death accordingly. The mortal man became immortal.

The False Prophet in the Book of Revelations is a counterfeit of the Holy Spirit. Like the Antichrist, the counterfeit Christ, he lives in the flesh. The Dragon, the false Yahweh, does not. Why would Satan’s fake Holy Spirit be in the flesh? The Devil has spirits if the Holy Spirit is a spook. The answer should be obvious.


  1. The holy spirit is a completely separate person and he does exist as a man. He is here on this planet right now. The phonetics of the two names you listed when combined sound very interesting, doesn't it?

    1. Indeed. They are very similar though very distinct.

  2. Jesus built houses and did not seek knowledge, a complete contrast to Satan and his minions who worship knowledge, power, and death. Jesus holds the key to life and death, his life was demonstrated as The Way. The Holy Spirit prevails and will reject the very things this world worships, the counterfeit shall worship the same knowledge and power, all with the eyes to see will see the Truth.

    1. Exactly! The Holy Spirit, the Lord of Spirits, the Guiding Principle of the Almighty God, rejects all worldly ambitions. Jesus overcame the world. He lived a life that gave from within rather than devour the lives and labors of others.
