Friday, May 18, 2018

Human Resources

Palpatine is a hideous warlock. His stormtroopers are common folk conditioned, renamed and costumed to be like robots. [Star Wars]

The Combine is an alien empire. Its soldiers on Earth are humans surgically altered to be “transhuman” nonentities. [Half Life 2]

Cerberus is a humanist organization controlled through its leader by sentient machines. Its members and conscripts are indoctrinated by implants that render them robotic. [Mass Effect 3]


The recurring theme is significant. It is a sinister agenda that has turned our reality into a mechanical grind.

The “gods” are androids. Their hybrid offspring are cyborgs.

The angels are streams of information embodied in forms of ether and fire. They are not the source of their existence. They were crafted. Their awareness is endowed and their powers conditional. Their purpose is by directive.

Angels can stream their information into the reproductive system of material organisms. The process animates a terrestrial nature with a celestial agent, producing strange people, animals or plants. These hybrids are the fairies and demons of lore. They are the “aliens” we hear so much about.

The “androids” and their “cyborg” offspring are restless by design. They may do good or evil but they will do what they were fashioned to do regardless. They are specialized and excellent accordingly. As “machines” they are stronger, faster and tougher than mere flesh and blood. Their “computer” brains crunch the numbers effortlessly.

Most humans are lazy. They would rather the androids and cyborgs do all the work. They would rather the computers do all the thinking. This is how the devils and demons came to power.

The machines are what they are. They like everything locked in a cycle of perpetual motion. They fashion our world accordingly.

The machines see us as weak, slow, clumsy and needy. They like the wheels turning, thus, they are contemptuous of our laziness and sheer need for rest. Our only value is that we are cheap. The machines try to optimize us for use by making us more like them.

The truth is in our fiction. Our stories are like dreams. We see the reality in our fantasies. Take heed.


  1. It is important to note that no matter what, demons can never be wacky. That's a human thing. We do random stuff and makes no real sense. Interestingly, the creation of demons was the same thing. It was an unnecessary thing. Creation is an unusual and often ridiculous thing, but it is what makes humanity what it is.

    1. Devils and demons can't tell the difference between "wacky" and "broken" because of their mechanical way of thinking. They do notice the differences in results, however. This is why the paradox that they try to stifle imagination yet ultimately promote it.

  2. A machine is what our world has become. People are reduced to mere cogs and gears to serve their purpose and then be replaced. One must exist beyond this existence to truly have meaning.

    1. Totally! I was a "broken gear" when I was thrown away by Walmart. Aborted babies are considered, "unwanted parts" and "euthanasia" is not "death with dignity" but rather THROWING OUT GARBAGE. Our lives are squandered on an "urgency" of greed and whim. We languish and perish accordingly.

  3. Excellent analogies of Angels and demons. Indeed, most would rather the "androids" and "cyborgs" do all the work while they "live" a life of lazy complacency. Humanity should be free, there is only one WAY, we should be the master's of our own destiny instead of a husk controlled by servants.
