Sunday, February 11, 2018

Forever Too Late

Familiarity breeds contempt… among the wicked. The selfish resent other people being selfish. The lazy resent other people being lazy. The greedy resent other people being greedy.

The wicked loathe the righteous most of all. The selfish are shamed by altruism. The lazy are shamed by diligence. The greedy are shamed by generosity.

Many play a game of tit for tat: one hand washes the other. “I do this for you and you do this for me,” is the idea whether stated or not. God is expected to play along.

You are not good by the evil of others. Judgment Day is not a day of comparisons.

Others are not good or evil by your expectations. You are not the Judge on Judgment Day.

You are not good by the approval of others or evil by their disapproval. Judgment Day is not a trial by jury.

Everyone yearns to be the good guy. Even the proudly wicked fancy they are righteous for their wickedness.

Most people are evil. Few of them are sinister. The common evil is sheer indifference.

One must do good to be good. One cannot be righteous for not doing this or not thinking or feeling that. To be good is to be a blessing by taking personal initiative. The good is not of your doing if you are made to do it by others.

I write fiction. My stories are the truth as parables. Most of the characters are evil but few of them are sinister. The struggle of good against evil is heroes against masterminds. The common folk provide the cannon-fodder.

Are you good or evil? It is not a question you can answer by any means other than by living your life. What you think has nothing to do with it. How you feel has nothing to do with it. The unfairness of it all is irrelevant.

The struggle of good against evil is the proving of for better or worse. It is a temporal dynamic. It shall end. Its resolve shall separate the wicked from the righteous. Good shall live forever. Evil shall languish in death.

Judgment Day is the moment when everyone sees everyone for who we truly are. The good and evil alike shall be enlightened. Sadly for the damned, their moment of truth shall be the revelation that it is too late.


  1. Good is a verb, it is through actions one is deemed righteous by the Father. Judgement does not listen to thoughts or feelings, it's what we create with them that catches his eye.

  2. Yes. That is why "when good men do nothing" is actually referring to the indifferent doing what they do best: NOTHING. There is good in this world. It is here because we DO good.

  3. Much of this is simple indoctrination. People have been told that this is the way the world works. They also get their so-called morality from the TV and such. They do not have any idea of what they are doing, and yet, that is not really the problem. People can believe in the official line and still be a good person. There are those who are drawn into the trap and others who exploit the rules for their own benefit.

    Good and evil happen on the individual level. Ironically, the lukewarm evil you refer to is actually the loss of ones individuality. They becomes the hands, legs, arms, and fingers of another body and mind. They are, indeed, the worst kind of evil.

    1. The worst kind, indeed. They lose themselves in a mob to do evil. Their anonymity is a darkness they hide in to do dark things.
