Saturday, December 30, 2017


Humanity is a naturally prolific and highly social creature. Sadly, most of us are lonely in our bustling crowd.

Most people generally dislike people. Many of us actually hate us. Some of them kill us.

Many claim they would save an animal before they would a human being. Others say they hate to see or hear an animal in distress but either do not care or delight when one of us is suffering. There are others who fantasize about being a disease that torments and kills us in droves.

People who hate people are the very evil they supposedly hate. People who love animals, plants or the very Earth instead of people do so pretending animals, plants or the planet are people. They are spewing their love into the gutter.

Humanity is not “most people” or this thing or that group. It is personal and individual. If even one human being is good then humanity is good.

Heterosexuality perpetuates our kind. Monogamy is the foundation of advanced civilization. Masculinity is the strength of our species.

Homosexuality, promiscuity, and feminism do nothing for humanity. Homosexuality spreads disease without perpetuating life. Promiscuity produces bastards. Feminism is women told what to think by men who think every woman is a bimbo.

We are told by nonentities told what to tell us that humanity is a coincidence. Our accomplishments are happenstance. Our individuals are nothing of the sort. All is impersonal and pointless… but be true to your whims and make-believe a purpose to your liking. “Science” is a magic word that makes things true… but it is trademarked.

Humanity is before the heavens and the earth. It is before the angels, plants and animals. It is the Beginning and the End, the first and the last. Love humanity with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. Love your neighbor as yourself.

Not all people are human. There are things among us of our nature of dust and water but their dust is stirred by ether and their water made hot by fire. Humanity is by the very breath and blood of God. These other people are soulless. They are our neighbors. Love them. You may be their salvation.


  1. I am so sick and tired of people seeing reality as a concept and not for what it is. It's all a bunch of feel good nonsense that does nothing but make people useless. We need to all get out there and build!

    1. Indeed. "Life is what you make of it" is not a meaningless catchphrase. What we MAKE of it, not what we THINK about it or how we FEEL about it. It is the way of the Carpenter to BUILD and build we must.

  2. The contempt that the many have for humanity is a reflection of the will of their masters. The "hidden" masters pull at their heart strings touting compassion and equality while destroying everything that is human. It is a perversion of the Way; the Way has never been the will of the many, it is the responsibility of the individual.
