Sunday, February 26, 2017

Alignment of Perspective

Perception is not reality… but it is a story unto itself. For example: from Hitler’s perspective his struggle was good against evil. Had he won his war, his perspective would prove a legitimate “reality.”

Stalin, unlike Hitler, did not believe his own supposed beliefs. The ideals of Marxism were but a means of using perception to shape reality to his own ends.

The truth is what it is regardless of our perspectives. 2+2 always =4… no matter our bad math, intentional or otherwise. Changing the sounds and scribble we use to convey a truth does not change the truth, even in the slightest. Only our perspectives can be skewed.

A perspective divorced from reality is madness. The truth as it is, not as we perceive it to be, sets the standard by which cause and effect are righteous and effective… or not.

Good and evil are not distinctions of perspective. What you think and feel are neither good nor evil, no matter your thoughts and feelings.

A sound mind requires an honest perception of reality. Good is in accordance with the truth whereas evil is action and inaction regardless of the truth. The reality of cause and effect is decided by truth, not perception.


  1. I see many people struggle with this concept, their own perspective becomes their own reality but is completely false. Vanity is to blame when we attempt to shape reality to fit our own personal perspective.

    1. It never ends well for those who make sweet little lies their refuge. We can only see reality in the light of truth. There are consequences in reality. We must see them to avoid them.
