Monday, January 11, 2016

Primal Energy

Killing is thrilling, especially when the killer and killed are human beings. A manly killer who slays in combat is manly indeed. A sexy woman murdered is sexy indeed. Wars are the prowess of tribes and nations.

Sex and violence are intrinsically linked. Both are primal and passionate. Both are driven by desire. Both are life and death.

Violence was and is glorified because it is stark clarity in our world of confusion. Yes, war and murder are chaos but an act of violence is what it is regardless of its context. Dead is dead whether the death was right or wrong.

Sex for all its bumping and grinding is reproduction. Law and order for all the sanctimony are fear of punishment. Tribes and nations are strength in numbers. The world is violence and the threat of violence perpetuated by sex.

I am a writer, artist, game designer and music maker. I enjoy my libido and aggression without defiling or otherwise hurting anyone. I relish the passions and put them to good use. I am creating from the drives so often squandered in wars and murders.


  1. Law is necessary or everything will fall into chaos. This is because most people have no problem sacrificing others for what they enjoy. The interests are not to blame, it is the heart behind them.

    1. Indeed. We do what we choose to do no matter or impulses. We give in only when we really, really want to.

  2. It really just baffles me why people would actively try and shut down creative expression on the basis of silly prudish notions. It is dishonest in many respects and cruel to those who are their betters in such things. We are good people who are open minded with such ideals. We use them creatively for the entertainment of the masses. We are not hurting anyone. Prudes be damned. I will not sacrifice my or my friend's tallent for someone whose worth is measured by how much he can suppress the speech of others.

    1. There are those who think zero is great number to work with.
