Sunday, September 13, 2015


Rape, murder and war: the horrors of the human condition. Our reality would be better off without them. Alas, the horrors of reality are the thrills of fantasy.

Baddies killing innocents and heroes killing baddies are staples of fiction. Why not? Murderers are the ultimate villains. Avengers are the ultimate heroes. After all, baddies who never rape or kill are not so bad and heroes who never avenge are not so heroic.

Sex and violence: primal and intense. Nothing tame shall ever be as thrilling.

The genres adventure and horror are, have always been and shall always be the most popular fiction. Why? They are usually sexy and violent. The genres romance and comedy have their place but never on top unless they are themes within adventure and or horror.

Rape, murder and war: the thrills of the human imagination. Our fantasies would be insipid without them.

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