Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Diversity Does Not Compute

Though two-plus-two always equals four "diversity" tells us otherwise. It equates without an equation and sums without a tally. It claims quality is subjective: Stupid is wisdom if viewed from the perspective of an idiot. Bad is good to those who do bad things. Excellence is unfair for pride is its own reward.

"Diversity" picks and chooses at a whim but such is the luxury of ignoring reality at your leisure. When good and evil are whatever you want them to be then truth itself becomes arbitrary... but not in reality.

Two-plus-two always equals four. Bad math does not give you more or less of anything real. Madness does not become sanity by raving. "Diversity" is a political sophistry and nothing more. The reality of "survival of the fittest" shall burn it away in a holocaust of death, rape and destruction... or sanity shall prevail.


  1. The thing about pride is that it does not have a leg to stand on. It will fall because there is nothing to support it. More emptiness cannot fill a void...

  2. Once you allow yourself to accept a falsehood as fact, you submit yourself to the control of evil people are not doing likewise.

    1. So true! The manipulators are pursuing personal agendas.
