There are the few who gain insight and develop a sense of purpose. Whether such are good or evil they are righteous in their endeavors. They strive boldly and cannot be disheartened. They prove tireless even when weary. Such are the individuals who make a difference, for better or for worse.
Fiction is our waking dreams. Our legends are the world from our spiritual perspective. Everything we imagine is our fancy of something real.
Adventure and horror are, were and shall always be humanity's favorite legends. The two are often one and the same. They are only different in that horror is the grim fate of protagonists and adventure that of antagonists.
The anonymous many of the real world are the helpless bystanders and useless thugs of fiction. The individuals who make names for themselves are the heroes, sidekicks, masterminds and killers. As for the monsters of adventure and horror, they are either characters already mentioned or impersonal forces of nature.
What would you be as a fictional character? Your pride may claim "hero" or "mastermind" or "killer" or even "monster" but who are you really?
In our legends we gain an awareness of the spiritual world. So many are just part of the nameless masses. Their spiritual footprint can barely be seen...