Sunday, December 7, 2014

Thoughts and Feelings

Religion tells us to believe in something beyond ourselves yet relies on us entirely. Science pretends to be objective as if somehow divorced from the humanity of its scientists. Politics pretends to be caring as if assuming control of every life and resource was the epitome of compassion. The arts express our fancies and passions regardless of stark reality.

Human genius is irrefutable yet we mix it with speculation and agenda. Alas, our thoughts are innately corrupted by our feelings.

I am a writer and an artist. I am mindful that my feelings color my thoughts. Rather than pretend to be inhumanly objective I celebrate my humanity. I allow my thoughts to be fanciful. I refine and shape them into stories and images. I create works that entertain, enlighten and inspire.

Knowledge is impersonal. Wisdom is dispassionate. A human being is a person. We have feelings. Our hopes and dreams are what we strive for. The best of us imagine. We see possibilities and boldly explore them. For better or for worse we bring our thoughts and fancies to glorious fruition.

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