Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Meaning

Most people do not care. Yes, they have their ideals and beliefs but such things are nothing of themselves. Yes, they love and are loved but such is entirely selfish either way. Most people simply do not care.

I care. I am not the only one. Why? Why not? If we need a reason to care then we simply do not care. We do care. Compassion, unlike love, is unassuming. To care for the sake of caring is the only caring worthwhile.

People need answers. There must be a point or there is no point. Politics? Religion? Science? As important as these things may or may not be, they cannot answer the one question: Why? Life? Truth? Wisdom? These things, though venerated, are without meaning of themselves. The question is always asked but the answer is seldom sought: Why? Is there a point? What if there is no point? If there is no point then all is meaningless.

I am neither a believer nor a skeptic. I am sincere. Right or wrong I am never false. Weak or strong, win or lose, I prevail. My failings are a triumph and my victories inspire. I am a light in the darkness and warmth from the cold. My fear proves courage and my sorrow is the sowing of joy. I am the gentle warrior and the brutal friend. I am the unforgiving who never forsakes. I shall tell you the dreaded answer to the question: Why? I shall make the point of it all. Whosoever has eyes to see shall see what I show. Whosoever has ears to hear shall hear what I tell.

Friendship, the very spirit of Freedom and Justice, is all that matters.


  1. To care for a reason is not caring at all. One must care, having nothing to gain and everything to lose. More than anything else, caring must be pure.

    1. Indeed. Number crunching and one hand washing the other are neither compassion nor friendship.
