Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Lambs Gathered for the Slaughter

The common folk are called “lazy” by those who work them to death. They are called “greedy” by those who pay them little while raising the price of everything. They are sent to kill people like themselves by the rich and powerful.

FEUDALISM failed because it was the few with much and the many with very little. CAPITALISM is failing because it is the few taking much and leaving the many very little. SOCIALISM fails because it is the few having everything in the name of the many who have nothing.

NATIONALISM SOCIALISM failed because it was overwhelmed by the capitalists and the socialists, who teamed up against it.

FACTS: National Socialism was vastly outnumbered and outgunned by enemies that could attack from all sides. It lacked resources its enemies did not. It killed more than twice as many soldiers than it lost.

I judge a tree by the fruit it bears. I cannot judge a system that collapses from within as superior to a system that was crushed from the outside, especially when the vanquished held its own against impossible odds. The defeat of the weak is not to its shame if the strong must struggle to win.

FACT: The “good guys” murdered civilians to provoke the killing of their own civilians… to stir their common folk into hating the common folk of elsewhere.

I was tricked by the capitalists into believing hard work was better than laziness. I learned my lesson when I was fired for sustaining an injury while the slackers kept their jobs doing nothing. I almost lost everything. It was my friends who delivered me from the evil of capitalism.

I am assured by the socialists that my life will be better if I gave them everything. I disbelieve them for they are the same rich they complain about. I shall not heed those who denounce capitalism from the comfort of their mansions.

The world of CAPITALISM and SOCIALISM is unraveling.

Why did we fight that war again? Is the world really better for it? Is it ever for OUR sakes? Enough is enough already.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Four of Seven Black Deaths

I have finished writing the first four of my seven Black Death books. I have already illustrated all seven covers.

The countless hours of hard work are not for instant gratification.

The premise is two big and black sisters kill white girls for fun. They do so with impunity. Villains are introduced and the sisters stop them, by killing droves of white henchwomen.

The theme is not social commentary. It is erotica. The sexiness is the girls and the violence.

The victims are not tortured. Their deaths are not gruesome. The point is to grimly amuse, not to shock or disgust.

Black Death is not a black comedy. It is action-adventure, but as the adventures of antiheroes. The humorous moments are to laugh at ourselves, not at the story itself.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Heart of the Sorcerer

I am writing a novel about a man who mass-murders people. He argues that his victims are “useless eaters” or “anti-social parasites” or “sub-humans.” His teenage daughter is in love with him. She wants to murder her mother, out of jealousy.

The novel is Sorcerer of the Realm. The man is the Sorcerer. His daughter is the Enchantress. They are the villains of their story… but not really.

Moral ambiguity is because “good” people are evil, not because goodness is ambiguous.

Arnold Kess is the Sorcerer. He wants to do what is right. He is willing to do whatever he must, whether he wants to or not. There is no extreme too extreme if it ultimately makes things better. He kills people to cleanse the world, not to be cruel.

Elsa Kess is the Enchantress. She wants to do what makes her happy, regardless of right or wrong. There is no extreme too extreme to get what she wants. She kills people because she wants to, sometimes to be cruel.

Arnold and Elsa are the perfect couple. The man is entirely “balance” and the girl entirely “flow” and together they are both. He leads and she faithfully follows. His genius and her passion change the world, for better or worse.

Arnold and Elsa do what they do together… yet he is “good” and she is evil. Everyone else benefits or suffers regardless.

Arnold is willing to sacrifice the innocent. He does not want to, but he shall do what he must, no matter what. His decisions are logical, thus righteous because they are inarguably right. Compassion is not a matter of right or wrong, however. Mercy is illogical more often than not.

Elsa loves her father and is loyal to him. She is willing to die for him. She does what is right to please him, not to do what is right. Her devotion is selfish, even when selfless. He gives her a sense of purpose she does not have without him.

The point of the story is that good and evil are not matters of right or wrong. They are entirely personal, and I do not mean as opinions. The heart of the individual is the heart of the matter. Everything else is just backdrop.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Seeds of Genius

It is easy to imagine but difficult to create.

I write books and illustrate the covers. I start with an idea. It totally works in my mind… but then I try to articulate it into words or render it as an illustration.

People know I am a writer and an artist. They share ideas with me, telling me I am allowed to use their ideas or suggesting I write them into fiction as a collaborative work.

Reality is unaccommodating, even when it comes to fiction. A story must make sense, no matter its nonsense. Its characters must be believable, no matter how strange they may be. An illustration must look like something familiar, no matter how strange the subject, or the picture is not really a picture.

Art is craftsmanship. It is real, even when fantasy. Like all things crafted, it can be of high or low quality. I love what I do, thus, my art is a labor of love.

The unimaginative sometimes criticize my imagination. They scoff that my creations are inspired rather than original. They cannot relate to what I do because they do nothing.

I am an artist because I fell in love with art. I write books because I enjoyed reading them. I illustrate the covers because I appreciated the covers of what I read. I was inspired by the works of others. That inspiration becomes what I write and render.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Sexy Sameness

My parents went to Le Crazy Horse de Paris in the 1980s. My mother complained that all the dancing girls looked alike. She remarked, “Who wants to see a bunch of clones?” I did. I was fascinated by what she told me, wishing I had been there.

I have a strange interest. My favorite fictional characters are the foot soldiers of villainy. I generally prefer them to be comely women uniformed in alluring costumes. I especially fancy them if they are identical clone women.

DIVERSITY kills my interest in my favorite of all archetypes. Male or female, they must all be of the same race and have the same stature, physique and complexion.

I do fancy clones because they look alike. I do mean the fictional clones of humans, of course. They are unrealistically cheap and easy to mass-produce. They are spawned as adults.

I write fiction and illustrate its book covers. My stories are not about the nameless baddies… but the nameless baddies are why I write them.

One thing fiction and non-fiction have in common is that they can be either true or untrue. A non-fiction is untrue if its facts are wrong, deliberately or by mistake. Fiction is untrue if the storyteller is insincere.

A fantasy is whatever we imagine. A fiction is fantasy, regardless of its realism. It is sincere if true to the fancies of the storyteller. It is false if otherwise. If the story is a sophistry rather than a written daydream, it is a lie.

The foot soldiers of villainy are the common folk imagined as antagonists. Making them female is to make them sexy. Doing so is generally a good idea since the archetype is typically uninteresting.

There is a deeper reason I am fascinated by the idea that the foot soldiers of villainy are clones. The characters, male or female are nonentities. They are mere extensions of nefarious entities who have no qualms expending them. The nonentities are indoctrinated to believe that thinking for themselves is foolish and acting in their own interests is selfish. By denying themselves, they lose their individuality. They become… clones.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

The Words are the Story

You can judge a book by its cover… but you are only guessing until you actually read the book.

I write books. I illustrate the covers. You are judging my work whether you read the books or not. You see the covers and assume things.

My Black Death series shows black hands killing white women. What do you assume?

Most things are what they appear to be. It would be stupid to assume otherwise. It would bring our lives to a halt to thoroughly examine everything.

I bothered to write books and illustrate the covers. I created the title font. Human nature is lazy… yet I was not. You can assume, without knowing anything else, that there was a point to bother. Maybe you should too.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Creative Freedom

I am an artist. My art is writing books and illustrating the covers. It is composing music.

I am adamantly opposed to anything that limits what I am allowed to write or render. Calling my work “pornography” or “sexist” or “racist” or whatever else does not shame me. I rebuke those who dare to rebuke me. If my work is banned, I hate anyone and everyone who banned it. I become the enemy of their institutions and shall act against them. I become the best friend of their enemies.

My job is not my life. My art is my life.

Money is resources as currency. It is the outside. My art is made of things on the outside, but the art itself is entirely from within. It is my thoughts and feelings as waking dreams.