Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Cheap Labor of Villainy

The anonymous baddies of fiction are meant to amuse us by being the easy victims of heroic violence. Whether as slapstick clowns or the small fries of something gritty their role is what it is regardless.

Men are the usual foot soldiers of villainy. Monsters and robots are also popular. Female goons, human or otherwise, are a rarity indeed. Alas, whether human, monster or robot, male or female, these expendable characters provide a common villainy to be put to shame.

In reality the sinister are too few to commit the atrocities of the world. They need vast numbers of cheap labor to do their dirty work. It is the common folk, male and female, anonymous and petty, who get their hands dirty.

Fiction's foot soldiers of villainy are reality's many following their crowd to do evil. They are nameless because they are insignificant. Their fate is unceremonious because their doom is inconsequential. They are a whole lot of nothing... which is why we are amused.

Sunday, September 13, 2015


Rape, murder and war: the horrors of the human condition. Our reality would be better off without them. Alas, the horrors of reality are the thrills of fantasy.

Baddies killing innocents and heroes killing baddies are staples of fiction. Why not? Murderers are the ultimate villains. Avengers are the ultimate heroes. After all, baddies who never rape or kill are not so bad and heroes who never avenge are not so heroic.

Sex and violence: primal and intense. Nothing tame shall ever be as thrilling.

The genres adventure and horror are, have always been and shall always be the most popular fiction. Why? They are usually sexy and violent. The genres romance and comedy have their place but never on top unless they are themes within adventure and or horror.

Rape, murder and war: the thrills of the human imagination. Our fantasies would be insipid without them.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Weak or Strong but Always Sexy

Women as warriors: not so long ago the mainstream was uncomfortable with the idea-- despite the everlasting popularity of the Amazons and the historical reality of Joan of Arc and Lyudmila Pavlichenko. The damsel in distress was much preferred.

Times changed and the once favored damsel in distress has since fallen out of favor. She is now loathed, actually. The heroine is now the acceptable female protagonist. Alas, the mainstream is so fickle.

Women as villains: not so long ago the mainstream adamantly preferred the seductress. She was seldom the boss and had a tendency to fall in love with the hero. Her story may be tragic so that she was not entirely to blame for her evil.

Times changed and the seductress fell out of favor. The assertive dominatrix replaced her-- when the mainstream embraced the pleasures of being spanked.

Women are sexy. Whether protagonist or antagonist, weak or strong, female characters have always been the sensuality of fiction. They always will be for otherwise would be unnatural. Enjoy.