Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Strange Galaxy Foundation

I am a writer of genre fiction. My most extensive collection of work is my science fiction continuity I call Strange Galaxy. In most ways, this Strange Galaxy is a conventional "space opera." I say this as a boast because I am an avid connoisseur of the classic conventions. I am a firm believer in the axiom "if it is not broken then do not fix it." Strange Galaxy is peculiar to its genre, however, in a few simple, unassuming ways. First of all, it is a "space opera" that never plays in the void of outer space. There are no spaceships or space stations. The unimaginable gulfs of the cosmos are overcome by spatially shifting one two-dimensional plane of space with another.

An advanced civilization need not be technologically advanced. In the Strange Galaxy all industrial-technological societies are human. Magical-industrial aliens produce simpler but more reliable artifices. Magically advanced alien civilizations have only a medieval level of technology yet they are the equals of technologically advanced humanity. Armies with swords, bows and arrows can match humanity's forces armed with guns, rockets, vehicles and aircraft. Bombs and bullets are thwarted by the kinetic shielding of talismans. Nuclear weapons and poisonous gasses are rendered inert by enervation spells. Weaponized microbes are laughably useless against the healing arts of advanced magic. Technology has machines and superior destructive power but it is tempered by the defensive superiority of magic. In peace, magic and technology are wondrous and productive in their own ways. In war, it is the warriors who decide the outcome: not spells or super weapons.

 In the Strange Galaxy, humans are the only race that can sexually reproduce with every other sentient species. The hybrids of such unions are typically infertile. Human females are universally considered the most desirable creatures in the galaxy. Humans are the most prolific of the Great Races and the easiest to clone. Why? Humanity is known as the "Progenitor Race" to alien scholars for reasons most humans do not understand. Let me explain and test your insight: All life can be traced to human life. All things begin from one point of origin and humanity is the point of origin. Though a young race, humanity's template is the very foundation of all things real. Our power to imagine and make real is from this. Every other creature is derived from the origin as an aspect thereof. Humanity alone is the origin incarnate. Yes, the voice of the Big Bang was a human voice. Creation was its first utterance.

"The least is the greatest and the greatest least" is a major theme of every Strange Galaxy story written by me. In life I observe that the notion of "always onward" and "forever evolving" are nonsense because everything real "comes full circle." Reality requires a complete circuit to be real. The flow of chaos is given balance by its own collapse into the foundation of order. A vacuum fills itself by its sucking emptiness. What goes around always comes around for such is the inseparable intercourse of positive and negative, flow and balance. This unbreakable law of the universe is the very thing we call "reality." Fiction that acknowledges this law is "realistic" no matter how "fantastic" its eccentric elements may be. My Strange Galaxy is fanciful but only to give life to what would otherwise sit idly upon its firm foundation. As I have touted: flow and balance.

In summary: my Strange Galaxy is an infrastructure for telling stories I deem "space opera" science fiction. It is designed as a world of many worlds where the mind of the reader may explore and adventure. The violent erotica often found is unnecessary but I am too fond of its sensual intensity to exclude it. Though the rape and slaughter may prove memorable, please note that it is a small part of an extensive collection of thoughtful work. The Strange Galaxy is indeed strange, but it always has something real to say. Enjoy.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Spiritual Reality

A man's true religion is not what he believes but rather what is dear to him. His heart can only be stirred by what he loves. His mind can only ponder what interests him. The reality of his deeds shall only ever be the essence of his motivation. He who is selfish can only be exploitative, no matter his happy thoughts or acts of kindness. The man who cares shall always care even when he cares not to.

One follows in the stead of what he admires. What do you admire? Wealth? Knowledge? Fame? Power? He who adores that which passes away is bound to its transience. His life shall be just as superficial for he squanders his days chasing phantoms.

Do you appreciate the little things? Do you see the unassuming beauty in all things real? Are those who care dear to you? The man who cares for the sake of caring knows joy beyond the moments of pleasure. His deeds are a sowing of little things full of promise. He tends his crop. His fate is the reaping of a bountiful harvest. What he reaps shall be his own for it shall be of his own making.

What is your religion? What do you admire? Is your life meaningful? Honesty shall answer these questions honestly.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Real Fiction

Good storytelling is always more than the sum of its ideas. Its relevance is never more than its take on the human condition. Our fiction is about our struggles because who we are is defined by our efforts. We fight or we fall for good or for evil. Nothing else matters.

The "villain" represents what is evil and must be defeated. Yes, he may win and his victory can be a colorful novelty. It may illicit a smirk and incite our base nature... but it is never inspiring. The wicked indulge in their pleasures but they know nothing of joy. Because of their yawning emptiness, they shall languish no matter what they accomplish. Nothing worthwhile is edified by the triumph of evil.

The "hero" represents what is good within humanity. He must prevail. Even if he is defeated, he must prevail. His victory thwarts harm and loss. It gives hope and courage to the timid. If defeated, the hero's relentless, indomitable spirit turns defeat into a catalyst of triumph.

Most people, of themselves, are neither heroes nor villains. Every human being chooses his or her own destiny. The countless multitudes who never bother have chosen to resign their fate to those who have. The mediocre masses find themselves being either a useless bystander or a useless underling. They cringe and scream as they await a hero or they grunt and groan as they are subdued. Either way, the lackluster prove useless.

"Equality" has become the notion of mediocrity as a virtue. "Fairness" is the fantasy of joyful "equality." None of this nonsense has anything to do with the spirit of justice. In reality, some things and some people are simply better than others. Freedom is the blessing to strive for your own worth. Justice itself is the entity that does unto you what you have done unto others and takes from you what you have taken from others. It shall not be swayed by whatever "unfairness" you may have suffered because "fairness" is simply not real. The delusional, subjective notions born of human whim cannot justify.

Even in fantasy, only something real can inspire. Yes, lies can incite and libel but being against someone or something is not a foundation. Something cannot be real unless it is founded on truth. Only that which is true can endure the scrutiny of reality's flow and balance.  Fiction need not be an allegory but it is meaningless rambling if it has nothing to say. When it does, it must be truthful. When it is, it must be entertaining. Should it be, it shall resonate. Enjoy.


Sunday, January 12, 2014

Equilateral Villainy

Villains: the necessary evil of action-adventure fiction. The bosses monologue. The elite thugs give heroes a hard fight. The anonymous cannon-fodder proves an endless supply of victims. Yes, the archetypes are cliche but only because they are traditional. Everyone enjoys hearing a charismatic villain give a flamboyant speech. Everyone is thrilled by an exciting fight. Everyone is amused watching a lackey suffer a humiliating, violent, unceremonious misfortune. Each of the three classic types of villain has its own appeal. When one or two are missing the story is somehow lacking. Like reality's triangle, fiction's villainy is strongest when all sides of it are together and interconnected.

Bosses set the agenda for the underlying plot to unfold. Elites provide clear and present danger. Of what use is the useless cannon-fodder? Sadly, these weakest of villains are the most likely to be neglected. Understandably, they are often dismissed as a mockery of villainy, as if normalcy and mediocrity were incapable of evil. In reality, however, most wickedness is anonymous and lackluster. Yes, most people are not personally sinister... but even many of these can commit atrocity if lost in a crowd commanded by a nefarious agenda. Omitting the cannon-fodder  from an action-adventure narrative divorces the story from reality. Yes, people may still enjoy the adventure but only on the surface of their fickle attention. Ultimately, the least is indeed the greatest and the greatest least. Ultimately "useless and mediocre" define the very lack that is evil itself.

In reality, the lackluster masses provide evil with its foot soldiers. In fiction, these people are portrayed as useless cannon-fodder. That said, it is the bosses, both in life and fantasy, that give direction to the aimless masses. It is the elite thugs who provide a keen edge to what would otherwise be a bludgeon. As a writer of action-adventure fiction I am mindful that my villains are at their best when part of a triangle. Making it happen is the hard part but the part that makes all the difference.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What Is Not Who You Are

Stronger, tougher, faster and smarter: the world's measure of superiority. The revered qualities are those of "survival of the fittest" and nothing more. Our world cherishes only that which is doomed to perish, forsaking who we are in the hopes of gaining for what we are.

Steadfast, justified, compassionate and sincere: the measure of a man's spirit. The world only knows us as animals and shall have it no other way. If we are to be truly human then we must strive, individually, to be more than the paltry sum of our mortal parts.

Why does the way of the world fail? Because it does not care. Indifference is uninspired so how can it inspire? Need I tell you that the smirk of pride is not a smile of joy? There is no meaning in heartless ambition or callous ideals because they have no heart. Worldly accomplishments are doomed to fade away for entropy is swift and sure. Life endures by the power of truth, not by our fickle whims and dishonest notions. Be true or you shall stumble. Make lies your refuge and you shall fall and never rise again.

Humanity shall fail... because it has done so already. Our species is diabolical for we are a race of monsters. The every imagination of the thoughts of the human heart is only evil continually... unless an individual strives for better. One man only. One woman only. All that ever mattered came from the sincerity of only one. Be that one. Peace Be With You.